- apcu-panel - APCu control panel
- php-ast - Abstract Syntax Tree
- php-brotli - Brotli Extension for PHP
- php-componere - Composing PHP classes at runtime
- php-ioncube-loader - Loader for ionCube Encoded Files with ionCube 24 support
- php-maxminddb - MaxMind DB Reader extension
- php-pear - PHP Extension and Application Repository framework
- php-pecl-ahocorasick - Effective Aho-Corasick string pattern matching algorithm
- php-pecl-amqp - Communicate with any AMQP compliant server
- php-pecl-apcu - APC User Cache
- php-pecl-apcu-bc - APCu Backwards Compatibility Module
- php-pecl-apcu-devel - APCu developer files (header)
- php-pecl-base58 - Encode and decode data with base58
- php-pecl-cmark - CommonMark extension
- php-pecl-couchbase2 - Couchbase Server PHP extension
- php-pecl-datadog-trace - APM and distributed tracing for PHP
- php-pecl-dbase - dBase database file access functions
- php-pecl-decimal - Arbitrary-precision floating-point decimal
- php-pecl-druid - A Druid driver for PHP
- php-pecl-ds - Data Structures for PHP
- php-pecl-eio - Provides interface to the libeio library
- php-pecl-ev - Provides interface to libev library
- php-pecl-event - Provides interface to libevent library
- php-pecl-gearman - PHP wrapper to libgearman
- php-pecl-geospatial - PHP Extension to handle common geospatial functions
- php-pecl-grpc - General RPC framework
- php-pecl-handlebars - Handlebars templating language
- php-pecl-hprose - Hprose for PHP
- php-pecl-http - Extended HTTP support
- php-pecl-http-devel - Extended HTTP support developer files (header)
- php-pecl-igbinary - Replacement for the standard PHP serializer
- php-pecl-igbinary-devel - Igbinary developer files (header)
- php-pecl-imagick - Extension to create and modify images using ImageMagick
- php-pecl-leveldb - LevelDB PHP bindings
- php-pecl-libsodium2 - Wrapper for the Sodium cryptographic library
- php-pecl-luasandbox - Lua interpreter with limits and safe environment
- php-pecl-mailparse - PHP PECL package for parsing and working with email messages
- php-pecl-memcache - Extension to work with the Memcached caching daemon
- php-pecl-memcached - Extension to work with the Memcached caching daemon
- php-pecl-mongodb - MongoDB driver for PHP
- php-pecl-mustache - Mustache templating language
- php-pecl-mysql-xdevapi - MySQL database access functions
- php-pecl-nsq - PHP extension for NSQ client
- php-pecl-oauth - PHP OAuth consumer extension
- php-pecl-oci8 - Extension for Oracle Database
- php-pecl-opencensus - A stats collection and distributed tracing framework
- php-pecl-parallel - Parallel concurrency API
- php-pecl-parle - Parsing and lexing
- php-pecl-pcov - Code coverage driver
- php-pecl-pq - PostgreSQL client library (libpq) binding
- php-pecl-propro - Property proxy
- php-pecl-protobuf - Mechanism for serializing structured data
- php-pecl-psr - PSR interfaces
- php-pecl-psr-devel - php-pecl-psr developer files (header)
- php-pecl-rdkafka - Kafka client based on librdkafka
- php-pecl-redis4 - Extension for communicating with the Redis key-value store
- php-pecl-redis5 - Extension for communicating with the Redis key-value store
- php-pecl-rpminfo - RPM information
- php-pecl-runkit7 - For all those things you... shouldn't have been doing anyway... but surely do!
- php-pecl-sandbox - Isolated environment
- php-pecl-seasclick - An Yandex ClickHouse client driven extension for PHP
- php-pecl-seaslog - An effective, fast, stable log extension for PHP
- php-pecl-selinux - SELinux binding for PHP scripting language
- php-pecl-sphinx - PECL extension for Sphinx SQL full-text search engine
- php-pecl-ssh2 - Bindings for the libssh2 library
- php-pecl-stackdriver-debugger - Investigate your code behavior in production
- php-pecl-stomp - Stomp client extension
- php-pecl-svm - Support Vector Machine Library
- php-pecl-swoole - PHP's asynchronous concurrent distributed networking framework
- php-pecl-swoole2 - PHP's asynchronous concurrent distributed networking framework
- php-pecl-swoole2-devel - php-pecl-swoole2 developer files (header)
- php-pecl-swoole4 - PHP's asynchronous concurrent distributed networking framework
- php-pecl-swoole4-devel - php-pecl-swoole4 developer files (header)
- php-pecl-taint - XSS code sniffer
- php-pecl-trader - Technical Analysis for traders
- php-pecl-translit - Transliterates non-latin character sets to latin
- php-pecl-uopz - User Operations for Zend
- php-pecl-varnish - Varnish Cache bindings
- php-pecl-vld - Dump the internal representation of PHP scripts
- php-pecl-xdebug - PECL package for debugging PHP scripts
- php-pecl-xlswriter - An efficient and fast xlsx file export extension
- php-pecl-yaf - Yet Another Framework
- php-pecl-yaml - PHP Bindings for yaml
- php-pecl-yar - Light, concurrent RPC framework
- php-pecl-yaz - Z39.50/SRU client
- php-phalcon3 - Phalcon Framework
- php-phpiredis - Client extension for Redis
- php-smbclient - PHP wrapper for libsmbclient
- php-sqlsrv - Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server
- php-twig - The flexible, fast, and secure template engine for PHP
- php-zephir-parser - Zephir parser extension
- php-zephir-parser-devel - php-zephir-parser developer files (headers)
- php-zstd - Zstd Extension for PHP
- php-zstd-devel - php-zstd developer files (header)
- unit-php - PHP module for NGINX Unit
- uwsgi-plugin-php - uWSGI - Plugin for PHP support