Letter P
Packages beginning with letter "P".
- passwordcheck_cracklib_14 - PostgreSQL passwordcheck extension, built with cracklib.
- periods_14 - PERIODs and SYSTEM VERSIONING for PostgreSQL
- pg_auth_mon_14 - PostgreSQL extension to store authentication attempts
- pg_auto_failover_14 - Postgres extension and service for automated failover and high-availability
- pg_auto_failover_14-llvmjit - Just-in-time compilation support for pg_auto_failover
- pg_background_14 - PostgreSQL Background Worker
- pg_bulkload_14 - High speed data loading utility for PostgreSQL
- pg_bulkload_14-client - High speed data loading utility for PostgreSQL
- pg_catcheck_14 - Tool for diagnosing PostgreSQL system catalog corruption
- pg_checksums_14 - Activate/deactivate/verify checksums in offline Postgres clusters
- pg_comparator_14 - Efficient table content comparison and synchronization for PostgreSQL and MySQL
- pg_cron_14 - Run periodic jobs in PostgreSQL
- pg_dbms_job_14 - PostgreSQL extension to schedules and manages jobs in a job queue similar to Oracle DBMS_JOB package
- pg_filedump_14 - PostgreSQL File Dump Utility
- pg_fkpart_14 - PostgreSQL extension to partition tables following a foreign key
- pg_ivm_14 - Incremental View Maintenance (IVM) feature for PostgreSQL.
- pg_jobmon_14 - Job logging and monitoring extension for PostgreSQL
- pg_partman_14 - A PostgreSQL extension to manage partitioned tables by time or ID
- pg_permissions_14 - PostgreSQL permission reports and checks
- pg_prioritize_14 - Get and set the nice priorities of PostgreSQL backends
- pg_qualstats_14 - A PostgreSQL extension collecting statistics about predicates
- pg_readonly_14 - PostgreSQL extension which allows to set all cluster databases read only.
- pg_repack_14 - Reorganize tables in PostgreSQL databases without any locks
- pg_squeeze_14 - A PostgreSQL extension for automatic bloat cleanup
- pg_stat_kcache_14 - A PostgreSQL extension gathering CPU and disk acess statistics
- pg_stat_monitor_14 - PostgreSQL Query Performance Monitoring Tool
- pg_statement_rollback_14 - Server side rollback at statement level for PostgreSQL
- pg_top_14 - 'top' for PostgreSQL process
- pg_track_settings_14 - PostgreSQL extension to keep track of settings modification
- pg_wait_sampling_14 - Sampling based statistics of wait events
- pgagent_14 - Job scheduler for PostgreSQL
- pgaudit16_14 - PostgreSQL Audit Extension
- pgauditlogtofile_14 - PostgreSQL Audit Log To File Extension
- pgbouncer_fdw_14 - pgbouncer Foreign Data Wrapper
- pgcryptokey_14 - PostgreSQL table versioning extension
- pgexportdoc_14 - command line utility for exporting XML, JSON, BYTEA document from PostgreSQL
- pgfincore_14 - PgFincore is a set of functions to manage blocks in memory
- pgimportdoc_14 - command line tool for import XML, TEXT and BYTEA documents to PostgreSQL
- pglogical_14 - Logical Replication extension for PostgreSQL
- pglogical_14-llvmjit - Just-in-time compilation support for pglogical
- pgmemcache_14 - A PostgreSQL API to interface with memcached
- pgmp_14 - PostgreSQL Multiple Precision Arithmetic Extension
- pgpool-II-pg14-extensions - PostgreSQL extensions for pgpool-II
- pgq_14 - Generic Queue for PostgreSQL
- pgq_14-llvmjit - Just-in-time compilation support for pgq
- pgquarrel - Compares PostgreSQL database schemas (DDL)
- pgrouting_14 - Routing functionality for PostGIS
- pgsodium_14 - PostgreSQL extension for high level cryptographic algorithms
- pgsodium_14-llvmjit - Just-in-time compilation support for pgsodium
- pgsql_tweaks_14 - PostgreSQL functions which a DBA regularly needs
- pgtap_14 - Unit testing for PostgreSQL
- pgtt_14 - PostgreSQL Global Temporary Tables Extension
- pguri_14 - uri type for PostgreSQL
- pldebugger_14 - PL/pgSQL debugger server-side code
- plpgsql_check_14 - Additional tools for PL/pgSQL functions validation
- plpgsql_check_14-llvmjit - Just-in-time compilation support for plpgsql_check
- plproxy_14 - PL/Proxy is database partitioning system implemented as PL language.
- plr_14 - Procedural language interface between PostgreSQL and R
- plsh_14 - Sh shell procedural language handler for PostgreSQL
- postgis31_14 - Geographic Information Systems Extensions to PostgreSQL
- postgis31_14-client - Client tools and their libraries of PostGIS
- postgis31_14-devel - Development headers and libraries for PostGIS
- postgis31_14-docs - Extra documentation for PostGIS
- postgis31_14-gui - GUI for PostGIS
- postgis31_14-utils - The utils for PostGIS
- postgis32_14 - Geographic Information Systems Extensions to PostgreSQL
- postgis32_14-client - Client tools and their libraries of PostGIS
- postgis32_14-devel - Development headers and libraries for PostGIS
- postgis32_14-docs - Extra documentation for PostGIS
- postgis32_14-gui - GUI for PostGIS
- postgis32_14-utils - The utils for PostGIS
- postgresql-unit_14 - SI Units for PostgreSQL
- postgresql14 - PostgreSQL client programs and libraries
- postgresql14-contrib - Contributed source and binaries distributed with PostgreSQL
- postgresql14-devel - PostgreSQL development header files and libraries
- postgresql14-docs - Extra documentation for PostgreSQL
- postgresql14-libs - The shared libraries required for any PostgreSQL clients
- postgresql14-llvmjit - Just-in-time compilation support for PostgreSQL
- postgresql14-odbc - PostgreSQL ODBC driver
- postgresql14-plperl - The Perl procedural language for PostgreSQL
- postgresql14-plpython3 - The Python3 procedural language for PostgreSQL
- postgresql14-pltcl - The Tcl procedural language for PostgreSQL
- postgresql14-server - The programs needed to create and run a PostgreSQL server
- postgresql14-tcl - A Tcl client library for PostgreSQL
- postgresql14-test - The test suite distributed with PostgreSQL
- postgresql_anonymizer_14 - Anonymization & Data Masking for PostgreSQL
- postgresql_faker_14 - Fake Data Generator for PostgreSQL
- powa_14 - PostgreSQL Workload Analyzer
- powa_14-web - The user interface of powa
- prefix_14 - Prefix Range module for PostgreSQL