Letter S

semver_14 - A semantic version data type for PostgreSQL

Website: https://github.com/theory/pg-semver/
License: PostgreSQL
Vendor: PostgreSQL Global Development Group
This library contains a single PostgreSQL extension, a data type called "semver".
It's an implementation of the version number format specified by the Semantic
Versioning 2.0.0 Specification.


semver_14-0.31.2-1.rhel7.x86_64 [33 KiB] Changelog by Devrim Gündüz (2021-09-29):
- Update to 0.31.2
semver_14-0.31.1-2.rhel7.x86_64 [33 KiB] Changelog by Devrim Gündüz (2021-06-02):
- Remove pgxs patches, and export PATH instead.

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7